We have a custom event on the Customer Order that doesn’t appear to be working.
The idea is that when the user RMB > Release the event fires and checks whether a custom field has been populated, the PLSQL is as follows:
eori_ varchar2(25);
cursor c1_ is select cf$_eori from customer_order_cfv where order_no = '&NEW:ORDER_NO';
open c1_;
fetch c1_ into eori_;
close c1_;
if eori_ is null then
Error_SYS.Record_General('CustomerOrder','MISSING_EORI: You must add the EORI reference before you can Release the Customer Order. ' );
end if;
The event is fires when Objects are changed.
And the condition was set to NEW:ROWSTATE = Released
(even tried without any condition).
When running in PL/SQL Developer and entering an order no and changing ERROR_SYS to dbms_output I get the message that I expected.
However, in IFS the customer order appears to just ‘Release’ without displaying the error message.
We have even tried using
Error_SYS.Record_General('CustomerOrder','MISSING_EORI: You must add the EORI reference before you can Release the Customer Order. ' );
I cannot see anything in the debugger either.
And still nothing.
Please help me stop going mad.