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I have been asked to display an information message to give a reminder to users where there are attached documents.


The user will be in Shipment Lines and will RMB on a Shipment Line and open the associated Shipment. 


When the Shipment opens, if there are attached documents an Information Message is required to be displayed as a gentle prompt to users.


As there is not a trigger at this point, how do I go about firing the custom event?


At the moment the custom event is as follows:


Custom Attributes:



Server Method PL/SQL: IFSAPP.Doc_Reference_Object_API.Get_Object_Connection_Count__('Shipment','SHIPMENT_ID='||'&OLD:SHIPMENT_ID'||'^')

Data Type: Number


Conditions for performing action:



Action Details:

Client_SYS.Add_Info('Shipment', 'ATTACHED_DOCUMENT:  This Shipment has Attached Documents.');



Hi @johnw66 

As you say, there is no event possible there since there is no database activity.

I would recommend using an Information Card on the Shipment screen, that would inform the user how many documents are present.  

(This is assuming Enterprise Explorer, not Aurena)