When creating a brand-new page for a list based on Custom Logical Unit, I am encountering the following error. My customer is currently on 22R2 SU7 and I believe I did the exact process I am listing below a few months earlier to create a simple custom list which is still working. Can someone point out whether there is something obvious I missing here in my steps?
1: Created a simple Custom Entity with the ‘Create Projection’ is set
2: Publish the Configuration
3: Create a New Page (from the Page Configuration screen)
4: Open the Page Designer for Page Configuration
5: Create a List Element where you bind the new Entity and then add the required columns one by one
6: On the page section, added a List and connected the list I just created.
7: Screen layout is ok, but when populate it gives an OData error
The detail error
IFS Web Version:
Date: 2023-06-09T15:06:25.886Z
ServiceOptions/ServiceOptionsPage (server error)
An internal server error occurred. Contact administrator.
Error details: r{"code":"ONLY_FOR_TYPED_PARTS","message":"'$select' is only allowed for typed parts."}]
Request Id: 868bcba7-b412-4559-bda9-cc91dd5dbd87
Url: https://briggs-uat.ifs.cloud/main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/CustomProjectionServiceOption.svc?$select=Cf_Option_Id,Objgrants,luname,keyref&$skip=0&$top=25