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A new fellow here with some questions. Your help will be highly appreciated please:

1- I am new to creating Background Jobs. The task on hand is to convert all ‘Database Processes’, that are running successfully currently, into Schedule Database Tasks. IFS8.

Is there any documentation you can point me to it so i can get started. Scheduling Task looks easy but I am not sure how to connect it to Background Jobs. 

how can i make this highlighted hyperlink working for my new tasks that i would like to create

2- Do we have some fellows around who automated the process of Activating and Deactivating Scheduled Tasks. we have several tasks, about 20, that we manually inactivate in the end of December and Reactivate all of them one by one on our first working day in January. Sounds tedious to me.


3- I see ‘Custom’ in Schedule database task screen. we are not using it at the moment. Is there a formula i can use to Schedule a task to run all 5 days of week every hour from 8AM to 6PM. At present, we have about 11 tasks that run each hour on all weekdays. something like that

Looking forward for some suggestions and pointers.

Thank you


Hi Khalidu,


The structure in IFS is as follows


Database Task - The framework for the Package.Method to be called and the relevant arguments

Scheduled Database Task - The time driven element of the task containing the parameterised arguments to be passed to the related Package.Method on the database task.


When a scheduled task is executed it drops into the Background Job queue in a ‘Posted’ status which is then picked up by the relevant queue for processing.


If you want to specify an advanced custom schedule please look at Oracle documentation for Scheduler Calendering System here:
