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how to create a new column type on Lobby Data Source Designer  in IFS10. we have default types that Text,Decimal,Number ,Currency. We need to new one because we want to present numbers espacially currencies like 30,000,000 (thirty million) we have decimal but it presenct 30.000.000,00. is it possible Could you help me.

Note : 30,000,000 or 30.000.000 bot of them is acceptable.


Thanks lot. 

I believe the data types in Oracle are what they are. For example, there isn’t even a “boolean” type available. So, when you need something else, a string is probably your best option (and is what IFS uses to model boolean fields with “TRUE” and “FALSE” in the FndBoolean enumeration).

The TO_CHAR() function should be able to translate a Number field into anything you wish and present it as text. Here is a decent look-up page of all the formatting masks you can use, so it should be a good start:


And Oracle’s more “official” page on TO_CHAR():


Good luck!

Joe Kaufman

Thank you @sutekh137 ,


I solved my case using to_char(30000000,'FM999G999G999G999') ;



Thank you @sutekh137 ,


I solved my case using to_char(30000000,'FM999G999G999G999') ;




That looks great! Nice work!



Joe Kaufman