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Aurena Configuration Context

Configuration Context is a concept to make the configuration layer more flexible. It makes it possible to develop and provide different configuration versions of the same application object. In other words, configurations can be made and provided for different context.

More: Documentation


Using following SQL Script you can copy (Duplicate) Configuration context



INSERT INTO fnd_model_design_data_tab
(model_id, scope_id, data_id, artifact, name,
line_no, layer_no, reference, visibility,
dependencies, schema_version, content)
SELECT model_id, '&to_scope_id', data_id, artifact, name,
line_no, layer_no, reference, visibility,
dependencies, schema_version, content
FROM fnd_model_design_data_tab
WHERE layer_no = 90
AND scope_id = '&from_scope_id';


INSERT INTO fnd_navigator_entry_tab
(entry_name, label, entry_type, entry_command,
client_origin, projection, selector, filter,
action, context, layer_no, home_for_entity,
scope_id, visibility, rowversion)
SELECT entry_name, REPLACE(label, '&from_scope_id', '&to_scope_id'),
entry_type, entry_command,
client_origin, projection, selector, filter,
action, context, layer_no, home_for_entity,
'&to_scope_id', visibility, SYSDATE
FROM fnd_navigator_entry_tab
WHERE scope_id = '&from_scope_id';


INSERT INTO fnd_navigator_structure_tab
(parent_entry_name, child_entry_name, ordinal,
client_origin, layer_no, scope_id,
visibility, hidden, rowversion)
SELECT parent_entry_name, child_entry_name, ordinal,
client_origin, layer_no, '&to_scope_id',
visibility, hidden, SYSDATE
FROM fnd_navigator_structure_tab
WHERE scope_id = '&from_scope_id';

-- Insert the Records for FND_NAVIGATOR_TAB
Navigator_SYS.Deploy_Navigator_Config_('&to_scope_id', 'TRUE');



&from_scope_id = Original Config Context Name
&to_scope_id      = Target Config Context Name

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