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What is the correct syntax for mapping a context to a User Group that has both a special character and spaces? 

Our firm has many User Groups with both spaces and special characters. For example, User Group = OPS - Maintenance Staff. 

The instructions on the Context Mapping page say, 

  • Values are case sensitive. Values with spaces or special characters must be enclosed with quotation marks. Note: user identifier should be in uppercase.

I tried both- 

  1. USERGROUP = “OPS = Maintenance Staff” 
  2. USERGROUP = ‘OPS = Maintenance Staff’

Neither syntax work. It does work when I remove the spaces and the special character. 


I believe space is fine, not sure about the special character. Usually we use underscore when creating user groups. Find the below sample created,

Both did work fine in our scenario. 

Hope this gives you an idea of what you required.

Thanks, Br,


Hello - is this one as simple as the fact that you are looking for an = in the middle of your string, when you should be looking for a -  ?


I would agree with Shehan and if possible create the user groups without spaces (or special characters - which is obviously no help as they are already created).
