I’ve not attempted it myself but I did look at it recently.
It seems like installer.cmd takes 4 params, in this order: BUILD_HOME, IFS_HOME, SILENT (true or false) and EXTLOG (true or false)
Normally when you run an interactive session it generates an installer.xml file with all of the details, so I was going to try to use the parameters with the 3rd parameter set to ‘true’ to make it silent and have a prebuilt installer.xml file with all the relevant values included. An installer.xml file could be reused and tweaked from one generated from an interactive session in order to get the correct syntax and structure.
Sorry I don’t have anything more concrete to share but hopefully this helps somewhat?
Hi @durette,
What @NickPorter has stated here is correct. In addition, installer.cmd also expects APP_OWNER_PWD and SYS_PWD. So, with the order BUILD_HOME, IFS_HOME, SILENT (true or false) and EXTLOG (true or false), the command would look like this,
installer.cmd "D:\Customer\Build_XXXX" "E:\ifs" true true APP_OWNER_PWD SYS_PWD