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Hi All,

We got this error from a cloud 22R2 client and we had to reboot the Linux box to bring this environment back online.

And now we are trying to find the root cause of this incident.

But when we create mct1 logs, most of the logs have been initiated when we restarted and couldn’t find much information relevant to this downtime.

We checked database alert logs but there were no suspicious records related to this offline.

And we couldn’t find errors in Event Viewer as well.

Could you kindly let me know where to look to get more information, please?

Appreciate your valuable suggestions and opinion on this.

IFS Aurena client version:

Hi @MitDenukN,

When a Pod has restarted, you can try the following Kubectl command to fetch the logs of the previously running instance of the container. 

kubectl logs <podName> -c <containerName> --previous -n <namespace> 

This will show you the logs of the last run of the pod before it crashed. You can direct the output of the above command into a text file and then analyze it to see if you can find any errors.

You can check the logs of following Deployments in particular:

  • ifsapp-proxy
  • ifsapp-odata
  • ifsapp-iam
  • ifsapp-client 

Hope this helps!


Hi @Charith Epitawatta, Thank you so much for sharing those, I will check and let you know.

Hi @Charith Epitawatta , I’ve got a question on running commands in PowerShell from ifsinstaller directory.

If we have done several service updates, do we need to select the ifsinstaller in the latest delivery in the deliveries folder or are we supposed to run this command from ifsinstaller which is located within the build-home?

Kindly let me know.

Hi @MitDenukN,

If we have done several service updates, do we need to select the ifsinstaller in the latest delivery in the deliveries folder or are we supposed to run this command from ifsinstaller which is located within the build-home?

Yes, you need to run the installer from the latest delivery folder.

You can run kubectl commands from any directory though, if you have added it to Environment Variables.

Hope this helps!
