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We have a request from a customer to enable traditional Chinese in IFS Cloud for for both Aurena and MWO. I know this is not listed as  a supported language by IFS in IFS Cloud but we looking in to all possible options and solutions to the issues we have seen atm after enabling.  

  1. After enabling Transitional Chines(through BP) and handling relevant translations, we could see translations properly in Aurena client with 23R2.
  2. But With the WMO, we see some discrepancies. Translations works fine using Android phone but not using  iPhone(13). How we handle this? Since this is not a translation supported by IFS in IFS Cloud,  will it be possible to get a solution (at least a workaround) to cater customer requirement for  iPhone(13).

Any advise or information is much appreciated!





You say it works fine with Chinese tradisional on Android phones. Does that mean that you get everything translated for MWO, like logout buttons as well as e.g. work order related data? 

On iOS do you get some translations in Chinese tradisional?

I am not sure it exist any work around for this problem, not without any changes from the iOS client.



Hi @JOOLSE , Thanks for the reply.

Yes, for the attributes we have provided the translations for traditional Chinese, we could see them on Android phones as shown below, 


Hi @chpelk,


could you try these steps on your iPhone and let us know please?

  • If you have your device in Chinese traditional please change it to Chinese Simplified.
  • The phone will restart and please check to see if the app is now showing in Chinese Simplified.
  • Go back to your settings and change your device back to Chinese Traditional.
  • Please check if the app is now showing in at least Chinese Simplified.

We don’t support Chinese traditional, we only support Chinese Simplified, the app should default to Chinese Simplified when it does not support the Chinese variation you are choosing but if you try this at least you should be able to see it in Chinese Simplified


Please let us know if this works.

Kind regards


Hi @DanMeza ,

Customer is using simplified Chinese but unable to see translations in Calendar events in MWO. Any reason/limitation behind this?


Any advise or information is much appreciated!


Kind regards,



We have got this reported from another country as well, so I think this is an error and we are going to investifate the cause of it


