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Some basic functions working on EE doesn’t work correctly on AURENA. For example, I can put an ending date of a BT on EE but not on AURENA. In such case, how do I solve the issue?

Thank you

Please explain BT is a short name of?

Sorry @jolnse , BT means Work Order (WO)

It might be as simple as using the “Pen” in some windowos yo need to “open “ the record for edit mode, to be able to update the information. Some of the WO dates are aggregated information from Work Task. so if the fields is not possible to edit open Work task and update the field.



@jolnse It’s effectively possible to change the end date but this doesn’t change the date value in the maintenance plan. With EE, it works. So help me to understand why the basic and standard functions in EE is note natively implemented on AURENA?
