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Good morning,


Of 600000 Customer Order Lines in our database, we have over 540000 which are cancelled, mostly due to EDI.

I have been thinking of copying/moving these lines to a Custom Logical Unit, equally related to the Customer Order, in order for the related tables/views to not be so heavy, and because it is important to keep these lines for historical and for analysis purposes.


I would however like to ask the members of this forum, firstly if this is the best way, and if not, if you have any other idea for doing this in IFS, to remove these lines from the Customer Order Lines, but keep them for archival purposes, related to the related Customer Orders?

Thanks in advance,


HI Mendes,

As I understood your requirement ,
IFS Data Archiving would be the solution for this.
Check this Documentation.


/Madusanka D

I would look at using the Data Archiving function which can be used to Delete, Copy or Move records to separate tables - even into other databases.  You would be looking for the Move option in your case to create an archived copy of the record and also clean the original table.

We’ve only recently started to use it ourselves but it can be very helpful.  It also saves you from having to create and manage custom fields/LU/screens etc for the archival and uses the inbuilt IFS feature that has been around for many years.  You could still build a custom screen etc if wanted to potentially expose the archived data within the IFS interface, but most likely it sounds like you may just want to run reports and queries against it.

For your reference, here is where you should be able to find the Data Archiving section of the IFS documentation in your environment:





Thank you @madusankadasanayake  and @NickPorter for your replies.
I will research your suggestions further and test them.