Hi all.
I’ve developed a counter element for aurena but the values shows 0. In IEE is OK.
This is the view i’m using to calculate in the element.
The column.
NVL(sum(quantity),0) / (SELECT SUM(A.working_time / 60 + 1) FROM &AO.WORK_TIME_COUNTER A WHERE A.calendar_id = 'PETRO-ADM' AND TRUNC(A.work_day) between TRUNC(SYSDATE, 'MM') and LAST_DAY(SYSDATE))*100
I think I must grant the calendar to the user in Aurena. I’m trying to find it in projections.
I’m using owner and IFS UPD12.
Could someone help how can I allow the user to see the calendar days?
This is in IEE.
The same element Aurena is 0.