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Currently running Apps10 UPD14.

We have an open request to add a custom field in Aurena that is a calculated field that is a URL for another Aurena screen.

Example - Customer Journal - where it shows a business opportunity, create a link to go directly to that business opportunity.

Is there any info on how to calculate the Aurena URL if we have he exact transaction ID and want to calculate the URL?

Have you made any progress on this?

From inside the database, do you know where I can retrieve the middleware’s hostname?


For an opportunity, you should be able to write a query string as a URL:

'/main/ifsapplications/web/page/BusinessOpportunity/OpportunityDetailPage;$filter=%28OpportunityNo%20eq%20%27' || opportunity_no_ || '%27%29'

so for opportunity ID 123:


From inside the application, pointing back to itself, it would be a best practice to drop off the front of the URL and let the user’s web browser resolve the hostname and protocol implicitly.


For my current use, on the other hand, I want to write a whole URL and include it in the body of an email. I want it to dynamically pick the correct hostname based on whether it’s PROD or TEST.

Here's an example URL for customer order A123456:;$filter=%28OrderNo%20eq%20%27A123456%27%29

I found this very hacky workaround to retrieve the application URL from the database. (I tested this in 22R1.)

   SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(value, '^(.*)(/redirect)$', '\1') AS url_base
FROM iam_login_event_detail_tab
WHERE parameter = 'redirect_uri'
AND rowversion > (SELECT created FROM v$database)
GROUP BY value

