IFS Cloud 22.1.4, Case CS0087287
ObjectProperty property_value cannot be longer then 24-67 characters in Aurena. Because ETAG exceed 100 characters.
etag_ VARCHAR2(100) := 'W/"'||objid_||':'||objversion_||'"';
objid length = 18
other characters = 5
100chars is exceeded when
value length > 67 chars
when validation is enabled => max. value length = 67 – (length of validation method aprox. 43 ch) = 24 characters
SELECT avg(length(validation_method)) FROM object_property where validation_method is not null;
= validatation avg length = 43ch
I want to use 250 characters long string, column is defined as 2000 chars long.
This BUG is system wide, etag creation or long objversions must be redesigned at least for specific logical units.
rtrim(rpad(property_value||chr(31)||validation_enabled||chr(31)||validation_method,2000)) objversion,