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We developed a Crystal layout on CUSTOMER_ORDER_IVC_REP view for Invoice report. We are able to preview the report with data using Result_Key in Crystal tool. But when we deploy and preview in IFS Application, the report is blank(no data) without any errors as shown in below image.

When we deploy this same layout in another environment, we are able to preview the report with data.

We are using IFS 10 UPD 13. We observed the same behavior in IEE & Aurena Clients.

What did you mean by “it worked in a different environment”? Did you deploy the same report in to a Crystal Web Service and tested it with a new report (newly ordered) and it showed the data?

Then it seems like there’s a data-related access issue. Did you try previewing the report using IFSPRINT users in Crystal Designer? Are you sure that the current user has access to the report archive object (is the report archive object distributed to the current user, etc.)?

This is due to the row-based security of the Crystal integration, which makes sure that the users will see only the related data, even thought the report is designed against a master REP view.


Another issue could be that the environment which this report has no data is redirected Crystal Web Service which is redirected to a different database. Check the particular system parameters to make sure that it’s not the case.

Hi @Bharath_C,

Did your issue get resolved?
