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We have a customer upgrading from an IFS APPS10 implementation to IFS Cloud. There are currently using IFS Apps10 Aurena, but only for limited functionality like time registration.


Is there a way/tool to transform the permission sets created in APPS10 IEE to IFS Cloud, projection based permission sets? Are there any innovative ways that you are currently using?


Also any best practices to follow in such an upgrade of permission sets would be appreciated, so that we prepare the permission sets in APPS10 so that it is easier to upgrade.


Thanks in Advance!




Hi @Hayley De Silva ,


We have not found any tools to automatically convert IFS Application 10 IEE permissions to the IFS Cloud projection permissions or even IFS Application 10 projections.   We have begun reimplementing our permissions manually by evaluating what permissions have been assigned to groups.   We then map what screens within Aurena those groups will require and what they will be doing on those screens so we can create new permission sets to be assigned.   For us it will be a long  tedious process.


If there’s an easier way instead of implementing by hand we’re all ears.



William Klotz

Agree with @william.klotz , IFS left upgrade customers high and dry with this process, no upgrade here, it is a full re-implementation.

Hi! Still lot of manual work, but maybe this approach could be useful.
Open the old IFSEE client and show the granted presentation objects by navigator 

Then look at the the permissions set in Aurena (Manage by Navigator)

and you can then grant them accordingly.
The navigator might of course not be 1 to 1 between the versions, and there might be new pages in Cloud etc, but to get the a first base of a converted permissionset. 


For us, with 395 end user and functional user roles, this is just beyond what should be necessary with a flagship product.  It is a massive roadblock to get back to like for like functionality.  Zero improvement delivered with the upgrade when this is the type of manual work required to fill the gaps.

Hi! Still lot of manual work, but maybe this approach could be useful.
Open the old IFSEE client and show the granted presentation objects by navigator 

Then look at the the permissions set in Aurena (Manage by Navigator)

and you can then grant them accordingly.
The navigator might of course not be 1 to 1 between the versions, and there might be new pages in Cloud etc, but to get the a first base of a converted permissionset. 


This is how we are doing it. Ungrateful job but still, easy enough to copy the “rough structure”. Looks like actually setting full/read only won’t be feasible just by copying from app9 like this for us though. Right now the outlook is copy everything read-only, and then do inquiries with each department what the actual usecases are.. It’s a pain doing it manually when there’s no client and you have to click so much.

For a smaller company like us where the roles are poorly defined IT has to bridge the knowledge gap between implementing permission sets and actually understanding the practical company structure.

I know this thread is a little old but we’ve found a tool to assist with moving IFS Application 10 IEE  permission sets to Aurena permissions.   We are evaluating the tool now but we’ve have talked with someone who is using the tool and they found it useful.


The tool was created by the IFS partner Nayo Tech and it’s called Nayo Security Suite. is the link to the product information.



William Klotz

Thank you for sharing @william.klotz 

I know this thread is a little old but we’ve found a tool to assist with moving IFS Application 10 IEE  permission sets to Aurena permissions.   We are evaluating the tool now but we’ve have talked with someone who is using the tool and they found it useful.


The tool was created by the IFS partner Nayo Tech and it’s called Nayo Security Suite. is the link to the product information.



William Klotz

Can I ask how you got on with the product and if you have any feedback? Looking at using the product too.



I’ve not seen any recent updates.

Anyone have any success moving permission sets from 10 IEE to IFS Cloud?
