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Hi ,
Can anybody tell me if IFS internally uses test automation? If yes, can you tell me what tools you use?
Thx for your answers.👍
Best regards

I understand that they do use automated testing from V9 onward at the CORE level of the database.  The tools if I recall correctly were developed by them and were not a third party or procured tool.

I believe it’s as stated above, internal tools only at IFS.

We use a range of tools at Addovation such as Ranorex (good for windows app automation), UI.Vision (for web), Appium (for mobile) and some other eg Postman, SoapUI etc depending on the test scenarios.

This allows us to test specific business critical flows, and re-execute tests towards updates and other environments.

In Apps 9, there doesn’t seem to be a clear line drawn on whether any given piece of logic belongs in the database, the middleware, or the client, so the small amount of test automation I’ve been able to develop unfortunately had to happen at the endpoint, inside Enterprise Explorer, using keystroke automation. Sending calls at any intermediate tier misses out on calling any unknown amount of logic at the tiers closer to the data. Some of the PL/SQL APIs will happily let you do things that are forbidden in the application code.

I’m hopeful that Aurena makes this easier since everything is now done over web calls, provided there’s no business logic hiding in the Javascript. (I haven’t looked at that yet.)