I am trying to add a field with LoV in Aurena, but I have some error:
Unable to fulfill the request due to unexpected server state.
Reference is:
reference CSdTaskIdRef(CCaseId, ProjectId, SubProjectId, CSdTaskId) to LovCCaseTask(ActivityNo, ProjectId, SubProjectId, CSdTaskId);
Field is:
lov CSdTaskIdRef with CCaseTaskLovSelector {
label = "Task Id";
What is the problem? C_CASE_TASK in query LovCCaseTask is view (combination of several different views)..
The error I described "Unable to fulfill the request due to unexpected server state" appears when expanding the list of values... page loads correctly.
I saw that the error is only when all of the variables in the reference are empty - I mean
CCaseId, ProjectId, SubProjectId