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I am trying to add a field with LoV in Aurena, but I have some error:
Unable to fulfill the request due to unexpected server state.



Reference is:

reference CSdTaskIdRef(CCaseId, ProjectId, SubProjectId, CSdTaskId) to LovCCaseTask(ActivityNo, ProjectId, SubProjectId, CSdTaskId);

Field is:

lov CSdTaskIdRef with CCaseTaskLovSelector {
      label = "Task Id";


What is the problem? C_CASE_TASK in query LovCCaseTask is view (combination of several different views)..


The error I described "Unable to fulfill the request due to unexpected server state" appears when expanding the list of values... page loads correctly.
I saw that the error is only when all of the variables in the reference are empty - I mean
CCaseId, ProjectId, SubProjectId

@Przemek It is difficult to judge this without seeing the data but I have a suspicion:
You have only defined “CSdTaskId” as they key. Does your view contain multiple rows with the same CSdTaskId and when you open the LOV without having prevoiusly selected Case, Project and Sub Project it finds duplicate keys in the LOV?