
Aurena: How to Update List rows from header

  • 20 January 2023
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

can someone please help me with implementing functionality of update all List lines from header?

I need to allow change of Currency Rate on “Manual Supplier Invoice” and then reflect this change on all lines - recalculate prices.
How to do it before save on client to see changes in prices?

Is there some way how to call global Command defined on List?

Something like:

exec component.InvoiceLinesList.UpdateCurrencyRate(CurRate);

Or how to cycle over all lines in execute block of header field Currency Rate validate command and call call function for each row?

Or how to call function what will return List<Structure<xxx>> and cycle through them and update related line?



Or is only client way create command on Lines and show info box “Currency rate was changed - use button ‘Refresh Prices’ to see changes before save?”
Because from Lines, I am able to read value from header.

Or is there way to write own javascript block to fire that button for user automatically?


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