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Apps9 UPD17 installation failed due to detachHome.cmd cannot run. 

IFS_HOME created from UPD17 build_home due to middleware services crashed in the existing environment after receiving the above installation error. But new IFS_HOME creation also failed due to below error.

2024-05-12 15:23:55 Post process IFS Middleware Server 90.20.0
2024-05-12 15:23:55 Running ant script C:\ifs_Apps9BnT\repository\server\install_fndmws.xml, target post for component server
/echo]: Configuring HTTP Server
/java]: Java Result: 1
Error in Ant-script: server\install_fndmws.xml
Reported error is: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\ifs_Apps9BnT\repository\server\install_fndmws.xml:1091: Failed to configure HTTP Server. Error is: (Problem invoking WLST - Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\ifs_Apps9BnT\tmp\_wls_config\asInstallerScripts\", line 54, in ?
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\2\", line 95, in writeDomain
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\2\", line 19, in command



    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor113.invoke(Unknown Source)

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( org/apache/tools/ant/BuildLogger


Please suggest a solution to fix the issue since the requirement is to install UPD17 in Apps9.



Hi Dilshani,

I think that the deletion of the previous environment has been partially completed. Didn't you get any warning or error messages during the deletion of the crashed environment?

You have to make sure that the following checks are completed after the deletion of the previous environment.

1. Check the Oracle inventory file to ensure that the Oracle home entries for MWS and HTTP are properly removed. If they are not removed, execute the relevant detachHome.cmd scripts to remove entries from the inventory file.

File Location (Probable):
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\ContentsXML\inventory.xml

<ifshome>\mw_home\as\oui\bin\detachHome.cmd (May be different for older versions)
<ifshome>\mw_home\http\oui\bin\detachHome.cmd (May be different for older versions)

2. Check the Windows services to make sure that the service entries for MWS and HTTP node managers are properly removed. You can use Windows commands to remove the Windows services.

Please note that you can edit the Windows registry to remove the above entries if the provided standard procedures do not work.
But, you may have to be very cautious when editing the registry entries as it may cause critical issues on Windows functionality if you make any mistakes. Make sure that you get Windows registry backups whenever you make any changes to them.   

You can install the environment again only after completing the above checks and doing the required changes so that there are no remaining entries from the removed application version.  


Hi @Jagath Kandambi ,


Thank you for your reply. 

I deleted the instance to recreate the IFS_HOME and deletion was successful. We used a new server as well to test this but still we receive same errors.



