Want to set logical printer for INVENTORY_PART_BARCODE_REP using a Report Rule. Using the following expr1:
[&select inventory_location_api.get_location_group(ipis.contract, ipis.location_no)
from inventory_part_in_stock ipis
right outer join inventory_part_barcode ipb
on ipis.contract = ipb.contract
and ipis.part_no = ipb.part_no
and ipis.configuration_id = ipb.configuration_id
and ipis.lot_batch_no = ipb.lot_batch_no
and ipis.serial_no = ipb.serial_no
and ipis.eng_chg_level = ipb.eng_chg_level
and ipis.waiv_dev_rej_no = ipb.waiv_dev_rej_no
and ipis.activity_seq = ipb.activity_seq
Ordinal: 10
Operator: =
Expr: 100
I get the following errors:
Rule ID=40 ORA-31011:ERROR Evaluating Expression=''l@INVENTORY_PART_BARCODE_REP/BARCODE_LINES/BARCODE_LINE/CONTRACT]'' result_key=538036formatter_properties=LocaleCountryGB
Rule ID=40 ORA-31011:ERROR Evaluating Expression=''l@INVENTORY_PART_BARCODE_REP/BARCODE_LINES/BARCODE_LINE/BARCODE_ID]'' result_key=538036formatter_properties=LocaleCountryGB
I have tested the SQL statement; it works… and I have tried removing all non essential spacing.
Any other ideas?