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We have issues where functionality slows down, and I have noticed it can be caused by large jobs being undertaken during the day. These are often cleared through relatively quickly but we are then left with a backlog of jobs waiting.

We currently have 1 process on each of the 10 queues we have setup.

I would like to increase that for jobs that are not required to run on a single threaded queue but am concerned on the fall out.

How many batch queues do you have configured, and do you have more than one process on any of these??



You can have multiple processes allocated for each batch queue unless you don’t want to limit parallel job execution in a given queue. But the total allocated processes for all the queues should not exceed the value of the job_queue_processes init parameter in your database. 

Thanks! Do you know where I could find the value set for job_queue_processes init parameter

yeah simply in sql window type; (you might need a high privileged user account for this depending on your database configuration)


SQL> show parameter job;

As IFSAPP, can you query the following.


SELECT * FROM v$parameter
WHERE NAME = 'job_queue_processes'

We have over 10 processes assigned in total with at least one queue having more than 1 process. 

I would strongly recommend to never change the Default queue to have more than 1 process assigned since that one assumes serial processing and is where most IFS jobs get created and/run out of the box.  Only make the change on other queues where you can run jobs in parallel without impact.

Also, regarding the job_queue_processes value - that should be about 10 more than the total set for the queues.  i.e. if you have a total of 15 assigned to your batch queues, I would make the parameter 25 or so.
