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Keep getting message back saying the crystal report cannot be found. Report definitions and rules are fine. 
I also get another message suggesting the layout is not held in the database.

i want to be sure the dev version which is a recent copy of live is pointed toward the correct dev layout folder but not sure how to determine this?


all help appreciated

Under System Parameters, in the "Reporting" category, check these settings:

"The machine name where the Crystal Web Service is installed"
"The protocol of the Web Server where the Crystal Web Service is running"
"The IIS port for the above mentioned Web Server"
"The Virtual Directory names given to the Crystal Web Service instances in IIS"

These can't be the same in Test as they are in Production because the Crystal engine connects to the database. You'll need a separate Crystal Web Services instance for each environment.

Hi @BLLBrucemo ,

I would work my way back from the application to the server where the CRWS is hosted.

  1. In the Application, check the CRWS related Parameters in the “System Parameters” to identify the CRWS host and the Virtual directory name used. The parameters to check would be “The machine name where the Crystal Web Service is installed” & “The Virtual Directory names given to the Crystal Web Service instances in IIS”
  2. based on the values for the above, login to the machine hosting the CRWS & Open up IIS in the machine to see the physical directory mapped to the said virtual directory.
  3. In the physical directory identified in #2, open up the “web.config” file using a text editor and check the value set for the “OpenReportPath” key. This will be your RPT location.

Please note that if the reports that you are referring to are additional layouts for standard reports, those layout needs to be placed in the corresponding language code directory within the “OpenReportPath” directory.

i.e If your key looks like this “<add key="OpenReportPath" value="C:\IFS\CrystalReports\IPEDEV"/>” and the language used to run the report is English US (en-US), then RPT file needs to be available in “C:\IFS\CrystalReports\IPEDEV\en”, if the language is Spanish (es-ES) then it would be “C:\IFS\CrystalReports\IPEDEV\es”. This is not applicable for Crystal layouts used in Quick reports where you place the RPT files in “C:\IFS\CrystalReports\IPEDEV”


