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Hello All,


When working with IFS Cloud, it’s always the case that in the same browser I have multiple tabs of different environments open at the same time (CFG / UAT / TST / PROD).

Do you know if it’s possible via Appearance Configuration to add a prefix in the Browser Tab so that from the overview you could tell each tab to which environment it belongs?

I’ve looked at the different options that are available but I wasn’t able to find what I was looking for.

This is what I would have in mind:


I think the best is to use tab groups in chrome/edge 

But it would be a nice addition. We also color our environments in different colors so that you realize which environment you are when looking at it.

Thanks for the answer @kvbe . We’re also using different colors to easily identify environments, but that is visible only after you opened the browser tab.


@kvbe and maybe to others that are interested in this topic. I recently found out that the ‘prefix for browser tabs’ is called favicon. And there’s an option in Appearance Designer to configure the favicon:



helli ​@Marcel.Ausan 

any idea how to remove an already uploaded ressource please?
