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App10 Application Server Requirements

  • 20 April 2020
  • 6 replies

We are going to be running App10 in a few months on Windows 2012 server. We currently run App8 SP1+ and have with the following VMWare virtual server specs:

RAM:              32GB
O/S:                64-bit (Windows 2012 R2 Standard)
CPU:               Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz (8 virtual processors)

We worked with IFS in completing the Upgrade Kit Infrastructure Sizing Questionaire and provided the above specs. I have read posts that indicate App10 uses a lot more memory. The client we work with is trying to save costs by downsizing the RAM and CPUs on VMWare virtual machines. I don’t think we should be messing with this, but I don’t have anything definitive to argue the point. Any feedback from other App10 admins/users would be appreciated.

6 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +18


Few questions/recommendations -

  • Are the above specs for only Application Server or database Server too?
  • Any reason you are going with WS 2012 instead of 2016 for the Apps 10 Application (MWS) Server? Here is Microsoft’s warranty information for both versions and please take this into consideration:


  • For the database server you can consider WS 2016 or 2019 to run Oracle 12c or 19c versions. Both versions support IFS Apps 10 and my recommendation is to go with Oracle 19c running on WS 2019 as it is the latest version combination supporting IFS Apps 10 UPD6 and above. Here is IFS Apps 10 platform information for Apps and DB Server:

Recommendations aside to answer your questions, you can run IFS Apps 10 out of box on a server with at least 24 GB RAM as one Apps 10 instance uses around 16 GB of actual RAM. So 32 GB should be good enough. Number of CPUs will depend on your license agreement with IFS but 8 virtual processors should be enough to run Apps 10.

My feedback is based on a medium size IFS client running Apps 10. Other considerations which could affect RAM & CPU allocations is no. of IFS users, integrations, activity etc. 


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Badge +3

The Windows 2012 R2 is strictly for the application server. Our Oracle databases run on Unix servers (Solaris). The databases will be Oracle 12c. We know in the future that the application servers will eventually need to be upgraded to 2016, but we’re trying to get our upgrade done within a certain timeframe with minimal disruptions.

Userlevel 6
Badge +18

Understood. Did I answer all your questions or do you have anything outstanding?

How many concurrent users that you expect to have? 


We have many environments even with 16 GB RAM and 4 vCPUs so the requirements really depend on your usage.


Hello. Can we use the Server 2022 operating system? (IFS DB, App, test etc). Thank you.

Badge +2

can not we use windows server 2022?
