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I am trying to practice IFS APP 10 UPD 12 installation. I have setup a VM with Windows Server 2019 and performed a new installation. The “Prepare Database” and “Deploy Database Objects” steps complete successfully. However, the “Create IFS Home” fails.


From the <ifs home>\instance\<instance>\<instance>_configuration.log folder, I see the following error:

bjava]: 9/28/21 11:24:13 AM <DETAIL> com.ifsworld.mws.ServerActions$ActionStart@15c25153 Starting Domain - DEV1 
java]: 9/28/21 11:24:13 AM <INFO> Starting Domain - DEV1 
njava]: 9/28/21 11:24:13 AM <DETAIL> Execute native command sc, query, IFS MWS Nodemanager C_ifs] 
ejava]: 9/28/21 11:24:14 AM <DETAIL> Command exit code 0 
xjava]: 9/28/21 11:24:15 AM <INFO> Node Manager (app10) service status ACTIVE 
ajava]: 9/28/21 11:24:15 AM <INFO> Node Manager (app10) is already running 
ejava]: 9/28/21 11:24:15 AM <INFO> Start AdminServer 
tjava]: 9/28/21 11:24:15 AM <INFO> AdminServer is already running 
ljava]: 9/28/21 11:24:15 AM <INFO> Starting main cluster 
njava]: 9/28/21 11:24:15 AM <INFO> Start MainServer1 
tjava]: 9/28/21 11:24:15 AM <INFO> Starting MainServer1 
rjava]: 9/28/21 11:24:15 AM <INFO> MainServer1 read startup parameters 
sjava]: 9/28/21 11:24:17 AM <INFO> MainServer1 send start command to node manager 
ajava]: 9/28/21 11:34:42 AM <WARNING> Thread2Thread-5,5,main] did not responded - TIMEOUT 
java]: 9/28/21 11:35:49 AM <INFO> Starting integration cluster 
gjava]: 9/28/21 11:35:50 AM <INFO> Start IntServer1 
Ojava]: 9/28/21 11:45:38 AM <INFO> Starting IntServer1 
gjava]: 9/28/21 11:45:42 AM <INFO> IntServer1 read startup parameters 
java]: 9/28/21 11:46:03 AM <WARNING> Thread:Thread-6,5,main] did not responded - TIMEOUT 
djava]: 9/28/21 11:46:06 AM <INFO> Starting system components 
Sjava]: 9/28/21 11:46:07 AM <INFO> Start HttpServer1 
;java]: 9/28/21 11:47:18 AM <INFO> Starting HttpServer1 
Njava]: 9/28/21 11:47:18 AM <INFO> HttpServer1 send start command to node manager 
sjava]: 9/28/21 11:54:05 AM <WARNING> HttpServer1 start failed Received error message from Node Manager Server: oServer start command for OHS server 'HttpServer1' failed due to: Failed to start the server HttpServer1
tjava]: Check log file C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\system_components\OHS\ohs_nm.log]. Please check Node Manager log and/or server 'HttpServer1' log for detailed information.]. Please check Node Manager log for details. 
java]: 9/28/21 11:54:05 AM <ERROR> Received error message from Node Manager Server: rServer start command for OHS server 'HttpServer1' failed due to: SFailed to start the server HttpServer1
java]: Check log file C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\system_components\OHS\ohs_nm.log]. Please check Node Manager log and/or server 'HttpServer1' log for detailed information.]. Please check Node Manager log for details. 
java]: Domain - DEV1 - STATUS
mjava]:   AdminServer : RUNNING
java]:   Machine - app10
vjava]:     Node Manager (app10) : RUNNING
ajava]:       main cluster
java]:         MainServer1 : EXCEPTION (Timed out 10min 0sec 0ms)
njava]:       integration cluster
sjava]:         IntServer1 : EXCEPTION (Timed out 10min 0sec 0ms)
1java]:     System Components
java]:       HttpServer1 : EXCEPTION (Received error message from Node Manager Server: eServer start command for OHS server 'HttpServer1' failed due to: [Failed to start the server HttpServer1
vjava]: Check log file C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\system_components\OHS\ohs_nm.log]. Please check Node Manager log and/or server 'HttpServer1' log for detailed information.]. Please check Node Manager log for details.)
java]: Java Result: 1
aantcall]: Exiting C:\ifs\repository\server\install_fndmws.xml.
Error in Ant-script: server\install_fndmws.xml
Reported error is: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\ifs\repository\server\install_fndmws.xml:378: Failed starting Middleware Servers.


And from <ifs home>\wls_domain\<instance>\system_components\OHS\ohs_nm.log, I see the following:

<2021-09-28 10:12:49> <INFO> <OHS-0> <Domain initialized for C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1>
<2021-09-28 10:12:49> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:13:49> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:14:50> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:15:49> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:16:50> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:18:36> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:19:34> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:20:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:21:34> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:22:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:23:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:24:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:25:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:26:34> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:27:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:28:36> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:29:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:30:34> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:31:34> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:32:34> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:33:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:34:34> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:35:34> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:36:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:37:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:38:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:39:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:40:35> <SEVERE> <OHS-4102> <InstanceDirectory C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1 does not contain a valid OHS instance>
<2021-09-28 10:42:34> <INFO> <OHS-4114> <Updating instance HttpServer1>
<2021-09-28 11:48:51> <INFO> <OHS-4018> <Starting server HttpServer1>
<2021-09-28 11:48:55> <WARNING> <OHS-4034> <SSL is not enabled for the admin port of HttpServer1. Thus, the connection between NodeManager and the admin port of HttpServer1 is not secure. SSL must be enabled for this connection. For more information on how to enable SSL for this connection, refer to OHS documentation>
<2021-09-28 11:49:10> <INFO> <OHS-0> <Running C:\ifs\mw_home\mws\ohs\bin\launch.exe C:\ifs\mw_home\mws\ohs\bin\httpd.exe -DOHS_MPM_WINNT -d C:/ifs/wls_domain/DEV1/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/HttpServer1 -f C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1\httpd.conf>
<2021-09-28 11:51:55> <INFO> <OHS-0> <C:\ifs\mw_home\mws\ohs\bin\launch.exe C:\ifs\mw_home\mws\ohs\bin\httpd.exe -DOHS_MPM_WINNT -d C:/ifs/wls_domain/DEV1/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/HttpServer1 -f C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\HttpServer1\httpd.conf: exit status = 0>
<2021-09-28 11:51:55> <INFO> <OHS-4005> <Check the instance log file for more information: C:\ifs\wls_domain\DEV1\servers\HttpServer1\logs\HttpServer1.log>
<2021-09-28 11:53:57> <WARNING> <OHS-4007> <Failed to start the server HttpServer1 successfully: attempting to cleanup the process>
<2021-09-28 11:53:57> <SEVERE> <OHS-0> <Failed to start the server HttpServer1>


How can I recover from this?

This is actually the third VM that I have tried, and each time they failed during the Create IFS Home step. How can I avoid such errors during installation?


Also, I see a lot of similar output in the logs as below:

,java]: Executing 'C:\Users\ben\AppData\Local\Temp\ifs\installer_25600\jre\bin\java.exe' with arguments:

The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
not part of the command.
ujava]: Error redirected to property:
java]: Result: 0


Are these actual errors or can they be safely ignored?


Thank you,


Hi @Ben Monroe,


As far as I know by looking at the attachments you have mentioned in the post. I believe you haven’t used the correct OHS certificate for the installation or the port you are assigning have been already used in the VM. Could you please check the above two during your installation? 

The environment will be created even though the you get the mentioned error. But your HTTP Server won’t work until you fix the errors. If you are accessing the environment from the Application host itself you’ll be able to login to the created environment.

Hi @Ragaventhan Sathananda,


Thank for the response.

Indeed, checking the status with mws-svr.cmd shows that all components are RUNNING. As for the certificate, it used the self-signed option in the installer. (The VM is not joined to a domain.) Following installation I manually added it to Trusted Root Certification Authority on both the VM and a client PC. The browser no longer complains about the certificate (and shows the connection as secure). However, accessing the URL shows “Forbidden: You don't have permission to access / on this server.”

Are there any special steps when installing using a self-signed certificate? Or do I need to join it to a AD domain? Would manually pre-generating a certificate via OpenSSL and using it during installation improve the situation?

After a few more installations and little more investigation, I think I have identified two problems:

  1. The installer failure seems to be due to insufficient processing resources. More specifically, startup of the various WebLogic servers were taking more than 10 minutes at which point it simply timed out. Manually checking the WebLogic servers afterwards generally showed them as running.
  2. Even though the MWS server was configured for static IP,  ipconfig shows “DNS Suffix Search List” and “Connection-specific DNS Suffix Search List” coming from the initial DHCP prior to setting a static IP. I could not find a way to clear these. (Note that the server is not in a LDAP domain.) As a result, when configuring the self-signed certificate the installer insists FQDN (and even warns when removed) for “Common Name”. Nevertheless, the Apache configuration files do not show FQDN.

For (1), the resolution was to give the VM more CPU and memory.

For (2), I was able to confirm two fixes. Ensure that FQDN was not used for the common name in the certificate. Alternatively, modify the Apache configuration files to use FQDN, following an Apache restart.