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I’ve found an issue with the IFS XML to JSON transformer.  I wanted to check with you first before submitting a bug report in case this was a known issue.


I am sending an outbound document (PLSQLAP_DOCUMENT) via IFS Connect.  On my routing address, I’ve included the IFS XML to JSON transformer.  The generated XML looks correct:


<CONTRACT type="Text">0301</CONTRACT>


However, after the transformer processes the message, the text field for contract has its leading zero dropped:


    "CONTRACT": "301",



This is causing issues for the service that is consuming this message.  Right now I do not have a clean way around this.  We have hard coded this value in the app we’re interfacing with as a short term solution, but this will not work long term.


In DEV, the package I’m sending from is C_MANUF_INTEGRATION_API.  Here is the code that sends the outbound REST message:


plsql_rest_sender_api.Call_Rest_EndPoint(rest_service_        => 'QS_HOMAG_INTEGRATION',

                                          message_payload_     => document_,

                                          http_method_ => 'POST',

                                          receiver_ => 'QS MFG INT');


It seems apparent that this is a bug, the transformer seems to be considering the text field as a numeric field and dropping the leading zero. What UPD are you in? there is a high chance that this is not something that is fixed.


Hi Infaz,

Customer is APP10 UPD9. We will report the case.

