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We are working with the Project Resource Forecast functionality in IFS and we have bumped into a potential issue with the the amount of rows in the table PROJECT_RESOURCE_SPREAD_TAB. We have ~250 million rows in this table and 90% of all data is 0.

We have thousands projects on the go and I am concern about reporting performance when pulling data from the associated table/view if we start using this functionality.

Any comments and/or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks


hi @Miguel 

I’m no tech wizard, but it’s difficult/impossible to know in advance whether you’re going to get performance problems, and if so, whether they will be considered acceptable.

Best thing is to try it and see

If it’s bad, consider using a data warehouse, information source etc. to move the data into a more optimized format.

Someone else might have a more insightful answer, but that’s all i can suggest.

Hi Miguel ( @Miguel )

In order to mitigate the risk of reporting from this dataset- you could create an IAL (Information Access Layer) either Live or Replicated to report from ( it would depend on how real-time the report needs to be).

This way if you didn’t want the rows with zero you could filter them out.



