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I’m able to create a Customer Order via REST API :

Header : POST {{url}}/main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/CustomerOrderHandling.svc/CustomerOrderSet

Line : POST {{url}}/main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/CustomerOrderHandling.svc/CustomerOrderSet(OrderNo='{{commandeMFR}}')/OrderLinesArray


The issue we are having is that in order to create the line we need specify the price and unit of measure.

While using Aurena those informaitons are feteched automaticuly when chosing the PartNo.

How can we replicate this via rest api?

The need is to create an orderLine without specifying the price.


We are also looking for recalculating the customerOrderPrice Line post creation

Any help would appreciated 



Header : 



Line : 


Client does multiple POST calls to fill out the JSON and populate the record as you fill fields out.


When you fill out the Sales Part, it does this:




Then you fill out the Buy Qty Due, it does this to fill out the Unit Price (and a few other fields):




Then it does this one to get costs as well:



Note that it does this because the price can come from a lot of different sources, such as Sales Part, Price List, Customer Agreement, include or exclude Price Breaks, etc.


If you just want to record a line in with the Sales Part UoM and Sales Part List Price, that’s easy enough to retrieve through a GET API, but if your business uses complicated pricing logic, to determine the price that should be recorded on the order line, then yeah you the CalculateAndFetchSalesLineTotal function is used to do exactly that
