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We are IFS10 UPD8, We have single signon. suddenly users are facing error 

401:Unauthrised -

then we have to go and clear to cookies from the browser and then it works

Can any one help for the reason and solution for all users.

thanking you in advance for your reply



Hi @paguin,
Could you please clarify if this error is specific to one user, set of users or to all users ?
Also if the issue resolves with clearing cookies or cache please try the below steps.

1. Make sure no IEE clients are running on the machine.
2. Open a command prompt or Windows Start\Run screen, execute the following command.
rundll32 %windir%\system32\dfshim.dll CleanOnlineAppCache
3. Delete '2.0' folder where .net cache is stored under user’s Windows profile. In Windows7/Windows10, it is at C:\Users\<user_neme>\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
4. Reboot the machine

Check if is related as well.

You might need to verify if this is IFS specific error or relates to Azure, hence a screenshot with more details on how to recreate this issue will be useful.

Have you noted any errors in the logs ?

Thanks & Best Regards,

Hello Yasan,

Thanks a lot for your reply

The error is coming with many users. (Not all i guess cause i did not get this error).

the users are getting is shared below.

The error is coming on edge and chrome. we dont want to go to all user machines and as them to run this command as there are over 3K users, it will be chaos. So want to know the reason of the error so can take care for other users. 

Best Regards
