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Dear All,

What is exactly the rationale behind creation of parked payment when partial customer payment rollback is done.. Can it be reversed to cash as in Dr AR Cr Cash and linked to Cash account rather..




Partial Rollback is done when you do not want the cash transaction reversed and  need to match that payment to the same or different customer later.


If you need to reverse the cash entry as well, you can go for the full rollback.


Hope this explains.


Please refer the below topic which discusses about the parked payments.


Shehan Almeida..

Hi @AccParagG ,


There could be business scenarios that payment is entered in the system using theincorrect customer. In such a scenario money in the account wont change but only the customer will need to be changed. For that the Partial Roll back option gives you that opportunity to correct that mistake. Once we partial roll back the payment, the system will create a CUPOA for the company (not for the customer) without reversing the cash transaction. 


Since we cannot “Cancel” authorized customer payments, this option is provided by IFS. 


Best Regards,
