
We are having problems closing our accounting periods.

  • 13 October 2023
  • 9 replies

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The user groups are closed but the period status on the period is grey for both “Close Period” and “Close Period Finally”  There are no vouchers in the GL holding table to post for this year and nothing shows in “Validation Transactions in Progress”. We have rerun “Distribution and Manufacturing Voucher Transfer” and it shows nothing. If I reopen the period above the one I am trying to close it will not allow me to close by means of a right click on period status. It is also greyed out. At a loss. Please advise.




9 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Could this be a permission (access) issue? Is it all users that this applies to?

What status is the period showing under the “Accounting periods” window? 



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The period status is showing open under the Accounting Periods window. Initially this was just period 12 and the year end closing period of 13. But if I reopen other periods within the year I can no longer close them with out the same err. Currently I can close periods in our current year but not in this prior year to proceed with closing the year.


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Userlevel 6
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This does sound like a permission access issue - the permission set assigned to your user probably doesn’t allow you to close periods, only to open them. Are you able to close any accounting period at all? If you could, this would eliminate permission as a possibility. 


Are other business users able to close periods? 

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I am able to close other periods.

Userlevel 6
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Apologies for the Aurena screenshot, but what do you have set up against the company, accounting rules tab for the period closing method?


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It is setup as reversable.


Userlevel 6
Badge +16

In this case, I can’t think of anything else that could be the cause. Thanks for your quick responses, but the easiest solution will be a case. Someone can login to your environment and do a technical assessment as to what has caused this for you. Without that I don’t have any other ideas what you could try.  

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Thank you so much for your time.
