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Hi All,

Getting the below error when trying to match the PO receipts in the posting proposal window. Checked a few other similar cases and identified that this type of issue may occur when there is no purchase group defined for a purchase part/no default value NO CT value defined for posting proposal. In here both the requirements are fulfilled.

Are there any specific fields that need to be checked?




Nikila Dissanayake

@Nikila Dis please share a screenshot of the M20 - C31 details → to see which Purchase Groups are mapped and also a screenshot with the PO Line showing the Purchase Group.

It might be the case that when PO was created, Purchase Part had no Purchase Group. Even if now there’s a Purchase Group assigned to the Purchase Part, the system will check for the Purchase Group at PO Line level.


Hi @Marcel.Ausan ,

The purchase group is correctly fetched to all four PO lines. However, the purchase group in PO is not in the M20 posting type→ C31--->Account Control type detail view. Will that might be the problem here?


Nikila Dissanayake

@Nikila Dis that’s exactly the problem. You need to add the Purchase Group used on PO Lines in the mapping of the Posting Control M20/C31. Then it will work.
