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Case description:

- user group = only one user group is linked to voucher type 0 wich is the voucher type for arrivals registration. We called this user group OR.

- closing period for the user group OR the 28th of the month M

- user Xx is connected to user group OR


=> the user Xx is trying to register PO arrivals the 29th of the month M while the period is already closed for the user group OR


Question : how the standard should work ?


Actually, we got an error message when we run the purchase transaction transfer because the period for the user group OR is closed

BUT if I run the purchase transaction transfer with IFSAPP user for exemple (or an onther user with more rights…), and if this user is connected to user group AC and I add user group AC in voucher type 0, then the PO arrivals is transfered with an applied date (accounting date) on 28th of the month M


What I except is if I close the user group for the period M, then the transaction should be applied on period M+1


Remark : in the standard, the applied date can be modified only in the past





I think problem is little bit more complicated.

User registering PO arrival is usually not the user creating 0 voucher. In addition, in arrival window you can specify actual receipt date, which will be used as receipt date and applied date for purchase transaction as well (to support situation you are just registering in the system events which happened in the past). Of course system is ot allowing to use dates in the future, to avoid mistakes (otherwise it would be possible to register transactions in next century).

Voucher 0 is created by scheduled/background job for entire site and this job takes user scheduling/ordering id as an user creating the voucher, and only at voucher creation period status is controlled - for user group of voucher creating user. It would be pointless to check it at transaction entry as situation might change between transaction creation and transfer.

Closing period you have a warning message that not transferred purchase transaction exists, and you can decide if you transfer them before closing period or push its date forward.  

It is possible to change date applied of transaction forward, but only up to today’s date. System is checking as well if corresponding receipt is invoiced or not - it is trying to avoid situation, where receipt is posted in period X+1, while its corresponding invoice (reversing receipt posting and booking actual costs) in period X, as it would create PnL reporting issue (and possibly incorrect income tax calculation). 

As per my experience, if you want to close month M at its 28th day, you should either stop purchase transfer jobs or ignore job errors. Then, on day 1 of month M+1 and in subsequent days you should monitor purchase transactions created with applied date in month M and change its applied date to month M+1 (please note it might require to cancel invoice matching...). My experience is limited to IFS version up to 8, and something could change in version 9 or 10.





Agree totally with Adam, and both Apps9 and Apps10 behaves the same. :)