
Unbalanced posting lines, different amounts in Amount Debit and Amount Debit in Acc Curr

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi Team,

When creating a Manual Supplier Invoice with the manually added Non-Deductible Tax Amount creates database records in the invoice_tab, invoice_item_tab, source_tax_item_tab with the calculated non_deduct_tax_dom_amount. The calculated non_deduct_tax_dom_amount value calculating using  non_deduct_tax_curr_amount (Non-Deductible Tax Amount) . And for the given tax code both values should equal. 
There is an unbalanced Posting Proposal connected to manual supplier invoice with different values for non_deduct_tax_curr_amount and non_deduct_tax_dom_amount in all three database tables. And the saved non_deduct_tax_dom_amount value for that invoice equal to total_tax_dom_amount.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

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17 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @Kavinda Hellarawa ,

Is the company using parallel currency? Have you checked if the imbalance has occured from parallel currency?

Best Regards,

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Hi Kavinda,


Since the issue is related a difference between non_deduct_tax_curr_amount and non_deduct_tax_dom_amount, please check what is the tax currency rate of the Manual Supplier Invoice.

Thanks and Best Regards


Userlevel 7
Badge +17

@Dinusha.Jayasekara & @Viraj Sandaruwan 



Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Hi Kavinda,

did you check the tax postings created in inv_accounting_row_tab and posting_proposal_tab as well?

Best Regards,


Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi @Thanushi Jayaweera,

The company is not using parallel currency.  And I didn't come across parallel currency involvement. Records created with empty parallel currency field and invoice currency also same with company currency (tax currency rate =1)


Best Regards,



Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Hi Kavinda,


Additionally, please check the manual supplier invoice lines, is there any difference between non_deduct_tax_curr_amount and non_deduct_tax_dom_amount?



Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Hi @Kavinda,

Could you please check rounding of tax values? may be a mismatch occur due to rounding difference. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

As detailed in above replies, difference can be caused by rounding difference of CURR and DOM amounts. 

Better to check details in invoice line level and tax curr rate as well.

Thank you,


Userlevel 3
Badge +4

HI @Dinusha.Jayasekara 

I checked the inv_accounting_row_tab and there are no differences between curr_amounts and dom_ammounts.

there is a differences between curr_amount and dom_ammount In posting_proposal_tab .

Also, rate and div_factor both equal to 1. 


Tax currency rate is 1

Best Regards,


Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi @Xavier Fernando , @Dhananga Jayatilake 


I checked the rounding of tax values for dom and curr values and they are same.

As seems that newly created invoices are balancing without error so Is it possible for this to be a one-time occurrence? 


Best Regards,



Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Hi Kavinda,


If the issue is not recreatable, it could be a one time occurrence. But when recreating the issue make sure you have used the same amounts, tax code, dates(better to use copy invoice).


Thanks and Best Regards


Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Hi Kavinda,

As Madusha has suggested, if the issue does not replicate even by using same amounts, tax codes...etc. or by copying the invoice,

this could be a one off scenario caused by a data corruption and in that case data fixing would be the solution.


Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Hi @Kavinda,


After replicating same data set ( Amounts, Currency rates, and tax rates etc), if error does not occur for new invoices. This could be well connected to one-time issue which needs to be handle through data repair or simply you can cancel and renter the invoice?


Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Hi Kavinda,

It can be a one time occurrence and further please let me know whether this customer is in IFSAPP APP9 and the mismatch occurs in IP9 postings? There is a known fix for APP9 tax calculations when accounting currency and transaction currency are the same, the tax dom amount calculation was done base on the deductibles and it was corrected to calculate base on the tax currency amounts.

Best Regards,


Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi Kavinda,


check the balances in invoice_item_tab and posting_proposal_tab under particular invoice_id to identify any imbalance present there or not.

Userlevel 6
Badge +10

Hi @Kavinda Hellarawa,

Can you advise whether below basic data set up is enabled in your company (under this reported scenario)?

  1. Non-deductible tax code is set with tax type as ‘calculated tax’ and deductible % is different from 100%
  1.  ‘Tax Correspondence Invoice Lines-Postings’ check box is selected.

In APP10 Environment


In APP9 Environment


If this checkbox is selected, you will get below warning message when trying to post the invoice,

In such a scenario, you will have to remove tax code from posting lines (when a non-deductible tax amount is involved). That means, it is required to use two posting lines when using a tax code with tax type as ‘Calculated VAT’ and deductible % of less than 100%. 

Therefore, you may follow below steps to post the invoice.

  1. Create the ‘Manual Supplier Invoice’ as usual.
  1. Add two posting lines as follows under ‘Posting Information
    1. Row 01 – add a line for the invoice ‘net amount’ with tax code. Through this step, the cost amount will get posted with tax code.
    2. Row 02 - add a line for non-deductible ‘tax amount’, without tax code for the same invoice. Through this step non-deductible tax amount will get posted without a tax code.

Hope this would be helpful.

Best Regards


Userlevel 3
Badge +4


@Dinusha.Jayasekara Customer in IFSAPP 10. @Sugandi Nadeeshika check box is unselected. 

Thank you all for the guidance. 


Best Regards,
