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Some of our users are getting a strange error when trying to RMB / Deliver on a Shipment.

Has anyone seen this before or can provide any insight?  Looks like some kind of config tied to the employee (i.e. this works fine for some users but not others) and we’ve ruled out Permission Set security.

ORA-20110: Voucher Type() is not related to function group (B)


Apps10, SP9, using IEE.




It appears that the users per voucher type (user group) is missing that is needed for the shipment transactions.



@cperdue Thank you!

I think you are correct.  The users who are working are set with a Default Group of one type (AC) while those that are not working have a different default (NF). Simply adding one user to have group AC didn’t work by itself, but it did solve the issue when I also made AC the default for them.

I’ll get with our finance team to figure out if something about NF needs to change, or if AC is where the shippers should be (but that doesn’t seem right to me).

Many thanks,

