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We have a mixed payment where Cancel Matching was done. But now we would like to just cancel the mixed payment. But when we right click on the header, the Cancel option is greyed out.


Is there a way to cancel the mixed payment?  Would greatly appreciate any help on this.







Hi @andrei.borromeo 

I have one concern Is the logged-in user the same as the payment authorizer?


Please check below points;

-Please note that If a transaction is already matched in Bank Reconciliation, you must first undo the matching.

-Also check if the Mixed Payment is partially matched.(Normally, the ‘Cancel Matching’ function creates a parked payment (PP10) rather than an invoice matching (IP2). This parked payment can then be used to match with the correct invoice)

-Verify if accounting transactions have already been posted. 

-Ensure that all matches related to this mixed payment are fully unmatched.

For your additional knowledge ;

The Cancel Mixed Payment action is used to cancel an approved mixed payment. You can’t use the Rollback function for payments made through a mixed payment. Instead, you must cancel the entire mixed payment, which will undo all the payment transactions included in it. If there are any interest or fines, those amounts will also be reversed. After that, you can use the Copy Cancelled Payment option to copy the canceled mixed payment and create a new one.





Hello @Chanu_Yazi . 


When cancel matching was done on the mixed payment, it created a parked payment:


Is it possible undo the parked payment and/or undo the cancel matching so that the mixed payment can be cancelled?  
