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Currently using IFS10.

I would like to know how I can generate VAT transactions when I am transferring stock between sites, where each site has a different VAT number.  I.e. I am a German company with one site based in Germany and using a German VAT number and I want to transfer stock to my other site that is based in Austria and uses an Austrian VAT number.  I have tried using a distribution order but I can’t generate the tax / intrastat transactions.

Can anyone help me please?

You will need to set both sites up as Customers, and both as Suppliers, then use Purchase Order-Customer Order transactions to sell intersite.  You can turn on the automated intersite process if you want to automate the creation of the CO in the supply site and even up to the creation of the invoice from the supply site to the demand site.

@ShawnBerk , how can we create invoice for inter-site transactions where both the site belong to same company??




You could look at using Distribution Orders.
