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in mixed payment page , the payroll user entered the transaction but unable to approve it.

system show this message

“the user group member finance object doesn't exist”

actually I check the accounting period and user groups of each period and the period is opened.

also the payroll user already included in the financial user group.



Did you checked the voucher tpye series and and user group attached to voucher type and authority assigned ( enter only and enter and approve)


Mukesh Gupta

in the voucher type , user included in group A which has the authority to enter only.

could we give him the authority to approve but without transferring to GL ?

 mean approve the mixed payment statement but the voucher waiting for approval 




When you provide ‘Enter and Approve’ authority level, the user would be able to approve the ‘mixed payment voucher’ getting created. 

Then this voucher will appear in ‘Voucher Entry’ window with ‘Approved’ status.


However,  it doesn’t mean that the created vouchers would get updated to GL at that point itself. You will have to either ‘RMB > Instant update General Ledger’ (in ‘Voucher Entry’ window) or use ‘Update GL Vouchers’ option to update created voucher to GL.

Best Regards


in our business the user used to enter the mixed payment and approve it only, and system will create the voucher and its status will be “waiting approval” ; is it possible?


in this month only the payroll accountant created the mixed payment but he is unable to approve it ?