We are in the middle of our implementation of IFS Cloud. We are currently on 24R1. How have other companies handled Vertex in their testing environments? Our testing environment has the same Company ID as production (since we clone prod into testing), How can we make sure our invoices in the testing environment don't flow through to Vertex to the main Company ID with all our real invoices?
Thanks, Nate
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Ignore this.
@nate.w I worked for a customer that was using Vertex O-Series with IFS Cloud. Basically the urls in the CFG/UAT/PROD were always the same in the routing rules -> pointing to the same Vertex system.
However there were different trusted IDs provided by Vertex. So basically we had to use one trusted ID for PROD and another trusted ID for cfg/uat. Everytime we copied the PROD DB to CFG/UAT, we had it as a post copy step to update the trusted ID in CFG/UAT so that the test invoices would not flow through into the real Vertex tax ledger.
Speaking of Vertex we also had to do our own implementation of Vertex interface for Instant Invoices and Project Invoices. Out of the box IFS Cloud supports only Customer Order Invoices and Collective Invoices in the standard interface.
@Marcel.Ausan Thank you. This is very helpful information.
@nate.w if my reply helped answer your question, please mark the post as resolved so that it could be easily found by other users if they come across the same issue.