
Swedish supplier payment format change

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Wondering if anyone else has solved this already… Danske Bank sent out the following information: “It will no longer be possible to send Bankgiro files (supplier payments) via Danske Bank, these files should instead be in ISO2022 XML format”

Currently our Swedish entity is using payment format BGSWE (Bankgiro, Domestic Payments, Sweden). We tried to use ISO2022 instead, but apparently plusgiro account is required (not bankgiro), so the file didn’t go through as plusgiro account for supplier is missing. 

Does anyone have a solution for this?

Many thanks in advance!


19 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +6


Account information of the supplier can be set up in the Electronic payment address of ISO20022 payment method as follows.

Screenshot is taken from an IFS Apps10 IEE client.

The required bank account number can be set up in the Creditor Account field which is available in the Account details section of the Supplier’s Electronic payment address window.


The user can enter any account number in the field Creditor Account.


In your question, i did not understand the last part “so the file didn’t go through as plusgiro account for supplier is missing. “

Could you please elaborate more on this?




Badge +4

Hi and thanks for a very fast answer!

We have entered the account number just as you showed

and it is transferred in the xml

But the file is rejected in internet bank, error message : PlusGirotnr saknas (=plusgiro account number missing), 


Userlevel 7
Badge +16


I am not sure, but I think in ISO20022 format, it is recommended using IBAN bank account number formats. 

For Sweden, IBAN number should start with SE and contain 24 digits. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +11


I can confirm that ISO20022 Credit Transfer format is supporting for Giro payments (Both Bankgiro and Plusgiro) payments. Plus Giro creditor account should be populated with Scheme Name/Code = BBAN. So it seems that your file is appeared to be correct. Could you plz make sure whether you have defined the Clearing System Member ID correctly. It should be defined as 9960.


Badge +4


Thank you!

I assume clearing system member ID is set up on supplier/payment address level?

This was filled in by the swedish user, and clearing system member ID is empty. Should it then be 9960 for all suppliers?

Kind Regards,


Userlevel 6
Badge +11


Clearing System details are defined in Electronic Payment Address. I am suggesting you to update the details in one supplier and see whether you still get an error in the internet banking system. I believe you can still remove the file before the final approval.

In addition to this make sure that you don’t enter correct Plus Giro number and not the Bank Giro number (If you have both giro numbers of the supplier)

Badge +4


Thank you - we’ll do a testfile and hopefully it’ll work!

Just wondering if there is anything else missing on the suppliers electronic payment address, this is the only things filled out:


Userlevel 6
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Fill Clearing System Identification/Code field with value “SESBA”  (Swedish Bankers Association).

Badge +4


Thanks so much for your support!

We got response from the bank, the xml file is sent with BBAN but this should be BGNR according to them. 

So now I have more questions… where can I change this? And if I do, I assume the change will be made for all payment files done with ISO20022 format. Currently the company uses SEPA for EUR payments, but I had assumed these could also go as ISO20022, but those should of course not be BGNR so I guess keep SEPA for EUR-payments and ISO20022 only for “bankgiro” payments?

Kind Regards,




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Hi, just wanted to thank you again for your help and let you know we resolved this. The BBAN showed up in 2 places on the xml, one was solved by adding cash account with free text BGNR to format specific info per institute and the other was adding  it also on supplier level: 



Userlevel 6
Badge +11


Glad that you solve the issue. Sorry, I missed your previous note.

Userlevel 4
Badge +10

But what about the Plusgiro payments? How did you resolve them?

Badge +4


Hi, we used the setup guide for ISO20022 to solve our problems, but plusgiro is not mentioned there I think

“But the ISO20022 solution has been enlarged to also support Swedish Bank Giro Number. This information will be available on Tab Cash Account Specific Info. Already defined cash accounts can be selected to this window. For each cash accounts, Bank account type can be defined. This is a free text field and value BGNR or OCR can be entered as Bank account type depending on the requirement. This value is fetched to the tag in . If there is no entry in Cash Account Specific Info window, the BBAN/IBAN value will be fetched.”

Our Swedish company doesn’t use plusgiro, so we did not look into that at all.

Userlevel 4
Badge +10

@FIHENRICA Thanks for your answer,

But we have sorted the Bankgiro payments while we are still struggling with Plusgiro payments. We have loads of suppliers that want to get paid to their Plusgiro accounts. 

Danske Bank are not following the ISO20022 interpretation made by the Swedish Bankers Association (that Danske Bank is a member of). They have a very different set-up and we do not understand the instructions given by Danske Bank, there is something missing, but we can’t identify what.

Kind regards


Userlevel 6
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Does any one know how we get below SCOR value to the file? for OCR payments…





Userlevel 4
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@GayanD You have to be more specific, is it PG or BG, and what bank?

Userlevel 6
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It is BG for DNB.



Userlevel 4
Badge +10

Hi GayanD,

Right, I think I misunderstood your question, hope I got it right this time.

On Company, the Invoice tab, there is an option to use “Invoice Payment Reference No”.

Use the drop-box to select Validation Method for Supplier Invoices.

Once this is done it will be the OCR reverence number used on payments.


Userlevel 6
Badge +10

@JJäthing Thanks... it worked
