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Dear community, 

I am processing an invoice and i have a 0.02c balance due to rounding, is there a setting in the system that will automatically allocate this to a rounding account? Having to add a manual line in the Manual Supplier Invoice screen seems time consuming. 

IFS9 Up15 - Not using Supplier Invoice Workflow. 

Thanks ,


Hi @david.harmer ,

Have you used a foreign currency in the invoice?

In Company window - Invoice Tab - General Tab, there’s a parameter - “Accepted Invoice Voucher Difference in Accounting Currency:”.

It is the maximum acceptable debit/credit voucher difference in accounting currency when an invoice is posted.  If an amount is entered here and if an accepted difference occur in supplier invoices it will be automatically posted using the IP28 posting type.

Add a minimum value here (usually less than 1).

Make sure Posting Type - IP28 is defined in Posting Control window as well.


Hope this would assist.

Thanks and Best Regards


Hi @MadushaDissanayake , thanks so much for your prompt response. 

We are not using foreign currency, we do have a value of 0.10 in that field, however when creating the invoice it would remain in 0.02 in balance. Is there something that you need to do to make it do the posting using this setting and IP28. 

I can give further detail if you want but basically the steps are; 

1/ Create Man Supplier Invoice, Enter PO , Invoice No, Gross: 60.39, tax is 5.49, Net: 54.90

2/ Match PO receipts, since the invoice line totals are lower than the PO, I over type the values in the PO Matching screen as follows; 

3/ The Invoice Posting is still in-balanced.


When attempting to save the message appears indicating that the invoice is not in balance and can be saved but will need to be posted later. 


What is the step to force the parameter you indicate above to apply? 





Hi @david.harmer ,


You can use Tolerance in such scenarios. Tolerance Parameters are used when the invoiced amount differs compared to the purchase order amount

In Supplier window > Invoice Tab > PO Matching Tab.

Tick “Allow Tolerance” checkbox and specify a Tolerance Amount.

The difference will be posted by using the same previous posting type in the cost line.


Tolerance Amount can be defined in Company  Level too.

In Company window > Invoice Tab > PO Matching tab,

You can use “Create Tolerance Posting according to Posting Control”, then the difference will be recorded using Posting Type - SP1 in Posting Proposal > Posting Information.

Make sure to define SP1 in Posting Control.


Thanks and Best Regards



Hi @MadushaDissanayake, this is a little unclear to me.

If that setting in Accepted Invoice Voucher Difference in Accounting Currency:” doesn't work in my example then why not? When does it work?

We set the tolerance amount, even if within tolerance or not, we still i get prompted with 0.02 balance difference, so even with tolerance enabled, it does not resolve the inbalance. 

Also the “Create Tolerance Posting according to Posting Control” is not enabled in my environment? is there some prerequisite? 

Thank you for your assistance. 

Create Tolerance Posting according to Posting Control is only used for Posting Proposal companies.


Accepted Invoice Voucher Difference in Accounting Currency will only be valid when Balance is 0 and you have an imbalance in Accounting Currency. If I got it correct you have a Balance of 0,02 in transaction currency as well.


As far as I know there is no way of getting a balance in transaction currency automatically allocated to a rounding account.