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Subsidies / Discount for customer orders | IFS Community


Some of our customers receive subsidies from organizations.

If the subsidy covers, for example, 20% of the order amount (tax are not included), we need to invoice 20% of the item's price (tax not included) to the funding organization. 


We are trying to proceed as follow : 

  • Creating the Customer Order for the right customer.
  • Creating invoices : 
    • First invoice wich is a regular for the customer himself
    • Second Invoice is an instance invoice for the other entity

We are having deficulties on how we should affect the right price to the right invoice.

After saving the instant invoice we a “More Information” option on the header.

We have referenced the original invoice (Ref Invoice No with Ref Invoice Series ID)

And we have defined a deduction group hoping that the group will automaticly calculate the invoice amount


We have defined a deduction group and rule





The instant invoice is still with no amount.


Any idea how the deduction group works? or how to reference an instant invoice based on a regular invoice?


Any help would be appretiated and thank’s in advance.

We are using IFS 23R1

Deduction groups will be used when the payment is received. Deduction groups are for example used when associations are the ones who are paying the invoice on behalf of the customer (other Payer functionality in IFS Cloud). The associations are handling the invoices and they usually deduct fees for the handling. This amount is calculated based onb the invoiced amount.

Instant invoices are manual invoices based on “Sales Objects”. For the sales object you can predefine specific values or simply change them during invoice entry. Besides the multiplication when entering QTY and PRICE no further values are fetched or calculated. You need to enter qty and price manually.

If you know the base amount please note that you can do simple calculation directly in the value fields:


The additional information that you can enter there e.g. connection to another invoice is for informational purposes or can be used in the Offset Proposals for matching.


Thank’s for you response  ​@Ralph Gericke 

I’ll try the Offset Proposals  to understand it.


Any idea or recommandation on how to handle an order that need to be payed by two different entity (one entity pays an already know amount and the other entity will pay the rest  + taxes on the hole amount? )


Creating multiple orders is not possible cause will impact the inventory...etc


You could try to use a not not taxable negative charge on the customer covering the amount that you would like to invoice to the the other party.



The posting of the subsidy uses M68 which you can post on an interim account if this Charge is used

Finally you create an instant invoice in this case for the business partner who pays the subsidy and post the sales object against the interim account and if you like with a reference against the initial customer order invoice.


Thank you ​@Ralph Gericke 

i will try that 
