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In cloud21r2 I am creating serial objects based on a customer order for a sales part with Create SM object checked.

In addition to the customer order line I am adding a charge line for freight connected to the customer order line. 

But when I deliver the object and the serial object is created, the acquisition cost is only the sale price on the customer order line and does not include the charge.

Does anyone know if charges can be added to objects cost?



Because charges are not line based - they relate to the overall customer order because if a CO has multiple assets, the charges have only one posting. 

However, you can get by this through posting the charges to a separate account (potentially based on the charge type to separate charges that should increase the asset value) and then it should be a report (or query of asset acquisition postings) to show which assets we have acquired from which order - to see how much charge amount should be added to these assets through an manual posting. 


I believe the expectation is that when a charge type is linked to a customer order line that the cost of the charge type would flow to the serial object.   

The charge type can be connected to an order line as shown below.   If the below does not work, you can create a call center case.  Just taking a guess - this may be a limitation.   The linking of the chare type to an order line is intended to ensure the charge type and the order line are invoiced at the same time, as well as being a driver to calculate the charge type.  I don’t believe it was intended to be another aspect of cost for a serial object. But - I’m not in R&D, I can only base an opinion based on what I’ve seen and tested. 

So to answer the question more directly, I suspect that was not an intended use of the charge type connected to the order line. 


Best regards, 


Thank you both for your suggestions.

Thomas, I had already tried connect the charge line to the CO line as you had suggested in your screenshot, and that does not pull through, so I will raise a case.

IRituma, I think that solution may work in several instances, and is something we have investigated thanks to you suggestion, however it is not appropriate in my particular need, as that causes downstream implications on depreciation etc. 

The solution I have settled on for now; based on the fact that this is also a supplier directly delivered part/object, is to update the object acquisition cost based on part inventory valuation when using weighted average per lot/batch. The charges on the PO will pull through to inventory valuation, will also allow for invoice variance, and using a configuration we will copy that to the acquisition cost.