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Hi Community

I tried to set-up a new company based in Romania in IFS from a STD-FR Model but the RON currency is not available for my Model so i cannot set it up.

Does anyone know how to fix it?

Hi Chota,


First, you need to check the currency screen. 

If currency code RON is available then, then make sure the “Used in Application” toggle is on.

If RON is not available, then you can create it in this screen, again make sure its toggled on once created.

Then, you can go to the currency codes screen within your new company and you should be able to add it to the new company.


Hi ddecker


I do as you wrote but i still have this message


Hi @ddecker 

I want to add that RON is the default currency for the new company.

 Thx u in advance for your answer

Hi @Chota,

Can you try add RON to the currency code for company GGFR?  Then try to create the new company.

Hi @ddecker 


As GGFR is a source company i don’t know how to do it

Hi @Chota,

I think I see the problem.  Make sure RON is added in the currency screen and set to used in application.


Then clear your mappings cache, then log out and back in.

Then log out and log back in.  Try creating your company after that.  Let me know if it works.

Hi @ddecker 


It still does not work.

I also try to unset “Used in Application” and set again, then cleared the Mapping Cache but same result

I am really stuck

Hi @Chota 


It seems that the currency code RON is missing in the company template STD-FR.

Please check in the Company template screen > ACCRUL component and then Currency Logical Unit.

You can add the new currency RON here.

Please note that your user should be allowed to modify company template.


Best regards,


Hi @Malgorzata Palatynska 


Your solution seems to work: i added RON in ACCRUL Currency for STD-FR

The GGFR model company related to STD-FR has been updated after that

But when i try to use RON currency in a new company, it is still not allowed.


Hi @Chota 


could you please specify what kind of problem have you encountered ?

Have you set a currency rates for the RON currency code ? There should be entered currency rate 1 for currency code RON for each currency rate types.


Best regards,


Hi @Malgorzata Palatynska


Ron seems to be set up (see below)

Something is missing?


Hi @Chota,


I am sorry but maybe I didn’t understand you correctly.

You have mentioned that you wanted to create a new company with accounting currency RON, am I right ?
If so, there should be defined currency rate type with reference currency RON and default currency rate for the RON currency , in this case 1.


Best regards,


Hi @Malgorzata Palatynska 


Sorry for not being clear enough. Let me try again:

I need to create a Romanian branch of a french company in IFS,  from a model company GGFR, based on the STD-FR template company.

This is not possible because RON is not set-up in GGFR.

Even if RON is available in Currency ISO Code 

I realised RON was not set-up in ACCRULCurrCode and i set it up like you adviced me.

I also updated my GGFR with the new STD-FR but i am still stuck.


Hi @Chota,


thank you for the explanation.

Let’s summarize what has been done:

  1. a new company for branch Romania based on existing French company has been created
  2. the RON currency has been set up in the French company 
  3. the RON currency code has been added to the company template STD-FR

Where is the problem then ? Could you please share some screen with an error message ?

Best regards,


Hi  @Malgorzata Palatynska 


Here is what i am willing to do


But I still have this error


Hi @Chota 


I have tried to recreate the same issue in our reference environment 23R2.

The new template company CGFR has been created. Then the RON currency code has been added to the CFGR company template.


After that I was able to create a new company with the RON currency and based on CGFR template company.


Could you please verify all settings again.


Best regards,


Hi @Malgorzata Palatynska


I can indeed create a new company with RON currency using the STD-FR template company.

But when using GGFR, RON is not available. I tried to update GGFR with the news STD-FR settings but it is like GGFR is frozen. 

Hi @Chota,


are you sure that the RON currency is defined for the GGFR template company ?

If so, sorry but I don’t have any further ideas how to solve it :(


Best regards,


Hi @Malgorzata Palatynska


I finally succeed in setting up GGFR

After updating the Accrul Currency Code for the template STD-FR, i just needed to tick 

“Non account relating logical units” to perform the updating


GGFR was then updated with RON currency and i was able to create the new company.


Thanks You a lot for your help and your kindness


Chota TAN

Hi @Chota,


Thank you for the information :)
I'm glad you managed to solve the problem and now everything works fine :)


Best regards,

