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Hi Community,

My customer is facing a problem when loading in external file. They are trying to read in a text file with file type .dav but the system gives ‘’restricted file type’’ -error. 

However, the workaround they have been using is to just rewrite the file type form .dav → -csv after which the system allows the file.

Does anyone have any idea why doesn’t the external file template allow the file type .dav?

In the input file load file type we have allowed all file types. Also, it was tested to only allow .dav files but neither works for this. 

We have the same issue. Did you ever find out if this can be updated or changed?



In doing a google search on the .DAV file type, this would appear to be used primarily as a video file. 

For that reason, I can understand why the DAV file type is unsupported as a data type in the external file.    

Best regards, 


We are trying to import a .prn file.  The same message loads. Long story short, the data starts as an Excel file. We do some edits to the data, then import. If we save the file as an CSV, a “ is being added. Which.. .I have not been able to remove using the detail function capability either.

Have you looked at the text qualifier?   This is an option on the template. Try the “ as text qualifier and the csv file.  


I am writing on ​@rsczerowski behalf as the response ended up in mailbox.

@Thomas Peterson 
“The problem here is that we do not want the row in question to be qualified as text.  If that is added, despite there being multiple columns, the entire row is treated as one column.


I am trying to avoid changing the source data, as opening it up in Excel first and making edits is often required.”


The example is not very clear. 

The below loaded without issue. 

What does your file look like??? 
