Hi all,
We have an issue with Non Inventory Purchases made from Work Orders.
When the Non Inventory item is received, a Preliminary line is added to the Work Order with no associated financial transactions. When the Supplier Invoice is then received, the Preliminary cost is “Overtaken” - the M93 posting from the Supplier Invoice is replaced with TP3 postings.
Our problem is that this only works if the Work Order is still open. In many cases, we close the Work Order prior to receiving the Supplier Invoice. Once the Work Order is closed, the overnight job to “Transfer Reposting Transactions” then runs, which results in the “Finally Posted” tickbox being ticked on the Work Task Transaction. When the Supplier Invoice is then received, the M93 posting is triggered as usual, but no TP3 posting occurs.
I had hoped to reopen the Work Order and “Remove Finally Posted”, but this errors due to the status of the Work Task Transaction being “Overtaken” and not “Transferred”. (This has then become a chicken-and-egg situation: it’s not possible to update the status to “Transferred” unless the “Finally Posted” tickbox is removed, but it’s not possible to remove the “Finally Posted” flag due to the status being “Overtaken”)
The result of this is that the posting sits on M93, with no possibility of moving it forward to it’s final TP3 account.
Any help would be much appreciated.