
Processing Data - Accounts Payable Process

  • 16 September 2022
  • 1 reply

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 0 replies


We aim to do ‘process mining’ along the accounts payable invoice process:

→ Load Invoice into ‘External Supplier Invoice’ to ‘Pay Supplier Invoice’

Can IFS APP 10 provide a technical data table by invoice, supplier etc. that provides a time stamp per process step: Create, Match, Authorize, Post, Pay etc.? In addition, the table should also contain information if the invoice had to be manually processed: add manual posting line, authorization template has been adjusted, purchase prices have been overwritten, approval was required because of not matching with POL, manual matching, add receipt ref etc..

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This can be created as a custom page, with custom event to populate the data you want, including day/time stamps.
