We are in a process of migration for a customer, upgrading from app8 to app10 (managed cloud). The customer only uses the Finance module in IFS.
The customer wants us to migrate Open Partially Paid PREL Supplier Invoices in foreign currency. We use external files.
The customer has integrations with Medius (invoice flow) and Vivaldi (purchase order and customer order).
The Final posting (J-voucher) is made against the net amount in files that come from Medius or Vivaldi. Thus, we cannot adjust the remaining amount to become the gross amount on the migrated invoice for the partially paid invoice, we will have to make the payment separately. At least that's how we did it in a test run. If we adjust the remaining amount to the net amount, the invoice will not be able to be finally posted with the net amounts in the transactions arriving from Medius and Vivaldi.
The VAT is entered in the I-Voucher. The customer does not use posting proposal in IFS. There is no validation of VAT calculation in the import to IFS.
We have tried to import an invoice in a cutover test, but the problem comes when we enter the partial payment in EUR. Then we get a currency gain / loss. This must be removed since it has already been taken in app8. I do not know where to book this.
Does anyone know if it is possible to book/balance out the payments in a way that avoids currency gains / losses?